
Buy Best Antivirus

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Top Affordable Antiviruses You may be interested In


Norton 360 Deluxe - 3


Norton 360 for Gamers - 3 Devices


Norton 360 Premium - 10 Devices


Norton 360 Deluxe
-5 Devices


Norton AntiVirus Plus
-1 Device


Norton 360 Standard
-1 Device

How to Install Antivirus on Windows

Your PC is vulnerable if you don't use antivirus software and keep it up to date. But it's easy to get protected: we show you what to do.

There are so many threats to your data that you can’t afford to bury your head in the sand when it comes to antivirus. Fortunately, you’re not doing that because you’re reading this article, and we’ll show you how simple it is to download and install software that will protect your files (and more) from the latest malware.

Does Windows have built-in antivirus software?

Your first question could well be whether you need to do anything at all. And it’s true that Microsoft includes Windows Defender in Windows 10, and it should be protecting you by default. It’s a decent choice if you just want barebones antivirus. It doesn’t have as many features and can’t quite match the very best security packages, but it offers a surprisingly good level of protection – even beating some paid-for antivirus.

What antivirus should I use for Windows 10?

There are two main types of antivirus software available – paid and free. Many of the major security brands, including Avast,  Bitdefender,  and Kaspersky, offer a free version to tempt you into its garden, but you might be surprised that both free and paid versions share the same core antivirus engines, and therefore offer the same protection from malware.

This means it will shield your computer from viruses, trojans, attachments in email messages, and similar pests. It may not offer extra features such as warnings for dangerous websites, protection from spyware. Indeed, moving up to the paid-for premium versions usually brings advanced features like protecting your webcam from snoopers, scam warnings on social media, password managers, and secure vaults where you can store important data that can’t be corrupted by the blight that is ransomware. You can of course try the free version first and then move to the paid subscription if you like the software and think the additional features are worth the investment. To see our recommendations, check out our roundup of the best antivirus software.

How to install Norton antivirus software on Windows/Mac ?


Windows: Download software from > run installer from browser > follow on-screen instructions.

Mac: Download software > select Install > Install Helper > Open Now > lock icon > enter admin password.

Next: Select Allow > restart > select Open Preferences > Security & Privacy > enable Norton System Extension.

To install a Norton device security product or plan, you must have an active account and purchased the software.

1. Go to  and select Sign In.

If you haven’t created a Norton account, select Create an Account and complete the signup process.

2. Enter your email address and password, then select Sign In.

3. In the My Norton portal, select Download.

4. In the Get Started page, select Agree & Download.

5. In macOS Catalina, select Install.

Note :In macOS High Sierra, Mojave, Yosemite, or Sierra, select Agree and Install.

6. Norton may ask you to join the Norton Community Watch. Select Join Now or Maybe Later.

7. When prompted, enter your administrator account password, then select Install Helper.

Important : In macOS Yosemite to Sierra, let the installation finish and then restart the Mac. The installation process is complete.

8. If you see an alert that says System Extension Blocked, select OK.

9. In the Norton installation page, select Open Now or Click Here.

10. In the Security & Privacy dialog box, select the lock icon at the bottom of the dialog box, then enter your administrator account password.

11. If you see System software from developer Symantec was blocked from loading, select Allow. If you see Some system software was blocked from loading, select Allow Symantec, then select OK.

Important : In macOS High Sierra to Mojave, in the Norton Security installation page, select Continue and then restart your Mac. The installation is complete. Read on if you use macOS Catalina.

12. Restart the Mac.

13. After you restart the Mac, in the Norton installation page, select Open Preferences.

14. In the Security & Privacy dialog box, select the lock icon at the bottom.

15. In the Security & Privacy dialog box, select the lock icon at the bottom.

16. If you see System Software from Norton 360 was blocked from loading, select Allow.

17. In the Norton installation page, select Open preferences to allow Norton to access your computer for better protection.

18. In the Security & Privacy dialog box, select Norton System Extension to enable it.

19. Go back to the Norton installation page and select Complete. The Norton security product installation process is finished, and your computer is protected.

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